Kazza Application For iOS iPhone
and Ipad
Remember Kazaa ? For early twenty-
somethings it was “ the” way to get
music in the late , late 90′s and early
2000 ′s . The past several years ,
however , have seen the service ( as
well as many other similar ones )
completely redone or closed entirely .
Kazaa looked like it would face the
same dead end fate.
you may probably be aware of peer-
to- peer ( P 2P ) programs such as
Napster, Limewire and Kazaa . Now it
looks like in an attempt to make
themselves a legitimate music service ,
Kazaa has finally caved in and
released an iOS app that would allow
users to listen to an unlimited amount
of music for a monthly fee.
Kazaa is only available in the US for
now , and for a $ 9 .99 a month
subscription you can get in on the
action, after a 7 day free trial. That
said, if you’re traveling, you can still
access your Kazaa account from
abroad .
If you don’t live in the US , you can still
browse the site but all you’ re going to
get is 10 second previews of each
song . If nothing else, you could use it
to discover new songs and go off and
listen to them somewhere else .